Interesting Astronomy facts

It is believed that human race has been able to explore only 5% of the matter in this universe. The reaming 95% consists of the dark matter and dark energy.

There exist Neutron Stars in this universe which are extremely dense bodies. Neutron stars are so dense that a small bucket of Neutron Star material can have mass equivalent to that of moon.

Sun produces energy equivalent to one hundred nuclear bombs in one second

Black holes have such a tremendous gravitational force that they can even pull the passing by rays of light.

Light form distant universal object sometimes taken thousand and millions of year to reach earth. This means that the object we are looking today was actually there millions of years ago. Hence, when we look up the sky we are actually travelling back in time.

There are records of a Super nova explosion which kept lighting up the night sky for several months. This explosion resulted in creation of Crab Nebula.

Space debris when enters into earth atmosphere, its starts burning due to friction of the air and leaves a bright tail visible form human eye.

Atmosphere plays an important role in the structure of a planet. Planets having no atmosphere have no mechanism to retain the heat near the surface.

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