Interesting facts about Planet Earth

Following are interesting facts about our planet Earth

  • Earth resides in between Planet Mars and Venus.

  • Earth core consist of Iron and Nickel

  • Earth also has a magnetic field caused by it spinning.

  • Earth was once believed to be the center of solar system around which the other planets were believed to be rotating.

  • The names of almost all planets of our Solar System have been derived from either Roman or Greek Mythology whereas Earth is the only exception.

  • Earth is not of a perfect sphere in shape rather it has an egg like shape.

  • Earth is believed to be the only plant discovered in universe so far where life is possible.

  • Earth is the only planet where the majority of surface area is covered with water which we call oceans.

  • Earth’s natural Satellite is knows as moon whereas numerous artificial satellites have been developed by human which rotate around earth alongwith moon.

  • The diameter of Earth differs when measured through the equator and the poles due to its egg shape property.